How much do you charge for handwashing terrorists?

TEHRAN- On August 29, published an article titled “To help the Iranian people achieve their democratic goals, protect Iranian dissidents”, calling for a guarantee to protect the security of the bloodthirsty MKO.
The article, written by Ted Poe, a former U.S. representative, starts by calling the 2022 unrest in Iran an “uprising” which irritated the Iranian officials since it was under the banner of “organized units of MKO.”
It seems that Poe is following the footsteps of Rudy Giuliani, the former Mayor of New York City, and Michael Mukasey, the former Secretary of Justice who met MKO members in the spring of 2017. The two former U.S. officials were promoting the MKO for nearly a decade. They were both paid to hold speeches at the MKO meetings.
The writer went on to claim that the Iranian officials could not manage the unrest and bring security back to society so they started “violent” behavior, and arrested hundreds of people. Even the writer started presenting illusionary statistics of the number of arrests.
The article ends up with a request from the U.S. and its allies to help protect the MKO members.
Rajavi shaking hand with Saddam Hussein
After the fall of Saddam Hussein’s regime in 2003, the MKO terrorist group tried a lot to wear a mask that could bring them public acceptance among Iranians, but they failed to erase the crimes they had committed from the memory of the people.
After negotiations between Rajavi and Iraqi Vice Premier Tariq Aziz in Paris in December 1982, Rajavi entered Baghdad and called the remaining MKO members to Iraq.
The MKO established Camp Ashraf by taking over the land that Saddam had usurped from the Iraqi nomads in Diyala province.
The MKO, exposed its terrorist nature on 28 June 1981 after it exploded the office of the Islamic Republic Party and the prime minister's office in which Chief Justice Ayatollah Mohammad Hossein Beheshti and 72 of his loyalists were martyred. The event turned out to be the deadliest terrorist attack in the early years of the Islamic Revolution. From that date, the group became internationally famous as a notorious terrorist group.
Its assassinations and military activities were not carried out independently, but openly in full coordination with Saddam Hussein’s regime during the imposed war against Iran in the 1980s.
In 1987, Massoud Rajavi, the leader of the MKO, met with Saddam in Baghdad to attack the Islamic Republic of Iran. Their cooperation with Saddam Hussein is still remembered by the Iranian nation and the victims of the imposed war as the darkest history of the MKO, which can never be forgotten.
Terrorist activities of MKO inside the country
After 1981, when MKO started the terrorist activities inside the country, it moved its centrality to France and established a government in exile.
The activity of the MKO was focused on running a series of assassinations inside Iran between 1981 and 1985. It sought to assassinate top officials, who were called by the MKO as "top of the pyramid.”
MKO moves against Iran’s peaceful nuclear plan
On August 23, 2008, Alireza Jafarzadeh, the MKO spokesman revealed the results of the group’s espionage by presenting images of the Natanz and Arak nuclear power plants, announcing that Iran was running uranium enrichment facilities in Natanz and heavy water reactors in Arak.
In a presser at the Willard Washington D.C. Hotel, which was organized with the aim of demonizing the nuclear programs of the Islamic Republic, Jafarzadeh named the three cities of Isfahan, Natanz, and Arak, which were widely circulated in the media outlets. Then after a new wave of anti-Iran propaganda was created in the Western media, which was directed by the Zionist media outlets.
Immediately after the disclosure by the MKO, CNN in a program called “Science and International Security” portrayed a scary face of Iran's nuclear activities by claiming that the Islamic Republic was producing nuclear weapons. It launched a massive propaganda campaign, which aroused the sensitivity of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and subsequent unprofessional and untechnical intervention in Iran's nuclear activities.
Albania driving the last nail on the MKO coffin
Exactly coincident with the beginning of the armed phase of the terrorist attacks of the MKO in Iran, the headquarters of the terrorist group in the port city of Durres, Albania, witnessed a clash between its members and the Albanian police. According to Albanian media reports, a member of the terrorist group was killed and nearly 100 residents of the Tirana camp, known as Ashraf 3, were injured.
The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Albania announced that the operation was carried out in line with the implementation of the special law on prosecution against corruption and organized crime, as well as the decision of the special court related to corruption and organized crime. In the continuation of this statement, the MKO did not comply with the relevant agreements, and the police intervention was in accordance with the existing laws.
Iran’s 2022 unrest and its rumors
One of the first rumors related to Iran’s 2022 unrest was the beating of Mahsa Amini by the Iranian morality police and covering up her history of illness, which provided a scenario for the Western media outlets to provoke the feelings of the Iranian nation and create an atmosphere that the morality police killed Mahsa Amini. Even the security camera’s footage showed no sign of Mahsa being beaten by the morality police.
Examining her brain CT scan and other medical records showed that Mahsa Amini definitely had brain surgery in her childhood (age 5) and her pituitary gland went through surgery. Her brother also stated that she had fainted several times (at least 3 times) in this way.
In the end, given all the facts about Mahsa Amini’s death, the black record of the MKO, and the false information about the Iranian officials’ reaction to the country’s 2022 unrest, it is time to pose a few questions in the article. First, how can you attribute the word “human rights defender” to the MKO whose women are not allowed to marry inside their organization, and even its members are now allowed to leave the camp? Second, how can you ask for the provision of security and safety for MKO, while the families are suffering the loss of their dear members who have fallen victim to the MKO terror attacks? Third, the allegedly called “organized unit” cannot provide the security of its members, how can it be considered a threat to Iran?
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